Monday, April 7, 2014

Characteristics of a Healthy Diet and Challenges you might face

There can be many challenges for choosing the "right" foods, and it is important to learn the characteristics of a healthy diet. Staying on track in our fast paced lifestyles in today's world is one of the many challenges in choosing the "right" foods for a healthy diet.  It really has become second nature to stop at fast food places with the busy lifestyles we live. However maintaining a healthy diet is essential for the longevity of not only our lives but for our families as well.  

A healthy diet can be defined in many ways and there are five characteristics of a healthy diet that should be considered.  Getting the adequate amounts of foods, balancing food choices, controlling calorie intake, moderation of salts, sodium and processed foods, and try to eat as many varieties as possible.  A diet lacking in essential nutrients can lead to deficiencies or a diet lacking in energy can lead to undesirable weight loss(Mangieri, n.d).  The characteristics of a healthy diet should include the following essential nutrients according to 

Focus on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables are some of the most beneficial foods when it comes to nutrients. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that adults eat 2 cups fruit and 2 1/2 cups vegetables each day. Each type of fruit and vegetable provides a unique combination of vitamins and minerals necessary for proper body function, so the healthiest diets include a wide range of produce. Dark, leafy greens are rich in vitamins K and C, and folate. Potatoes provide potassium; berries provide vitamin C, phytochemicals and flavonoids. In addition, fruits and vegetables are full of fiber, which promotes a healthy gastrointestinal system. They're also lower in calories, which is beneficial to weight loss and maintenance.

More Whole Grains

A healthy diet is rich in whole grains. It includes few refined grains, unlike those foods using white, processed flour and packaged baked goods. Whole grain bread, wheat berries, oats, buckwheat, quinoa, black rice, popcorn and barley all fall into the whole grain group. In addition to providing fiber and vitamins such as vitamin E, whole grains have been associated with a reduced risk for cardiovascular disease. It’s recommended that adults eat 6 to 8 oz. of grains each day, and most of the sources should be whole grains.

Limit Processed Foods

Processed, packaged foods found on most convenience store and supermarket shelves are often full of sodium, additives, preservatives, excess sugar and unhealthy fat. In addition, frozen meals and fast food can also contain these unhealthy components. A healthy diet contains a limited amount of these foods and focuses on fresh, whole and natural foods. If you consume packaged foods, seek out those that contain the fewest ingredients and ingredients that you fully understand.


MyPlate. gov Image Retrieved from

Mangieri, H., MS, RD,CSSD,LDN (n.d) Detecting a Nutritious Diet: Do You Know What You Are Looking for? Retreived from:

Sizer, F. and Whitney, E. (2012).  Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies, MyPlate Update (12th ed.) Mason OH: Cengatge Learning.,

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